Category Archives: Health and Hygiene
How to Protect Yourself
Know How it Spreads
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.Between people
#TahukahAnda: Bagaimanakah Cara Pakai Topeng Muka dengan Betul?
DALAM masing-masing panik dengan wabak Covid-19, banyak mesej tular tentang cara mencegah atau mengelak dijangkiti virus tersebut. Salah satu daripadanya adalah cara memakai topeng muka dengan betul, kononnya bahagian warna perlu di luar jika anda sakit, dan diterbalikkan
How to Put on and Remove a Face Mask
What is a face mask
Face masks are one tool utilized for preventing the spread of disease. They may also be called dental, isolation, laser, medical, procedure, or surgical masks. Face masks are loose-fitting masks that cover the nose and mouth, and have
5 Perkara Penting Tentang Hand Sanitizer Yang Perlu Kita Tahu. Check Dulu Sebelum Beli!
Dalam musim wabak COVID-19 yang semakin berleluasa, penggunaan hand sanitizer dah jadi semacam keperluan wajib di mana-mana.
Setiap rumah dah ada stok, dalam kereta dah standby, dalam poket atau beg tangan pun ada satu.
Secara tak langsung, demand terhadap
Does Hand Sanitizer Work on Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
How effective is hand sanitizer in preventing disease? The answer may surprise you.
If you’ve visited a drug store lately, you probably noticed the empty shelves where hand sanitizers normally sit.
With the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, it’s not surprising that many people
Cara Membasuh Tangan yang Betul
Tangan anda mungkin kelihatan bersih, tetapi ini tidak bermakna ianya bersih. Basuh tangan dengan betul dan sempurna dengan air dan sabun:
Sebelum dan selepas mengendalikan makananSelepas menggunakan tandasSelepas mengendalikan sisa makananSelepas menghembus hingusSelepas mengendalikan bahan yang beracun dan merbahaya
Basuh dengan sabun untuk membersihkan tangan
The 7 Steps of Hand Washing
Hand washing is vital no matter where you work – from offices and shops to hotels and hospitals. It carries even greater importance in some settings, such as healthcare and hospitality. You need to ensure your hands are clean to prevent food poisoning or infections from